And So It Begins

Technically I should have attempted a Pin yesterday but I figured setting my mind to actually following through with something would count instead. So I am going to say this is the first official day of my Pinning adventure and what better way to begin than with a crochet project!

I attempted this pattern months ago and made one successfully with plans to revisit the pattern again and guess what? I never did. So here it is; the pattern I have absolutely fallen in love with. Yes, it is a cat butt and I deem this pin a success! If there are any crocheters out there who want to try this I highly recommend following the pattern found here at

cat butt

On another note, I must add that yesterday I chose to rejoin Weight Watchers. Early last year I joined for the first time and in two months I had lost about 15 lbs. It was a great weight loss program for me and I was still capable of eating what I wanted…just in moderation. I quit simply because it was difficult to follow while pregnant. Now I have rejoined the program with hopes of losing the rest of my baby weight. At my last dr. visit, I have lost 28 of the 48 lbs. I gained while pregnant. I feel that Weight Watchers will help me achieve my first goal of returning to my pre-pregnancy weight with an ultimate goal of losing another 20 lbs. after that to be the ideal size for my height. It will be a long and difficult journey but I look forward to adding it to my list of things to accomplish in 2015. In future posts I hope to include my progress, recipes and workouts that I have tried in order to possibly encourage others who are going through the same thing.

Until tomorrow, goodnight…